Wednesday, October 9, 2013

World Music - 'soundtrack to globalisation' (White 2012)

"A pleasant contamination" (Byrne 1999)

Listen to this whilst reading!
Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan & Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder in 
The Long Road from the film Dead Man Walking

Peter Gabriel

If the naysayers of globalisation are concerned about loss of national identity, and the threat of a bland melting pot of cultures, World Music should provide reassurance of diversity.  However, not everyone agrees that globalisation has been a good thing as far as music is concerned.  Definition of World Music is difficult due to the ‘proliferation of styles, genres, sub-genres and cross-fertilisation’ (Shedden 2008) and ranges from ‘traditional and contemporary folk and roots music from the entire globe, as well as cross-cultural fusions and hybrids’ (World Music, and ‘an umbrella category under which various types of traditional and non-Western music are produced for Western consumption’ (White 2012, p1), and ‘anything other than Western rock and pop, generally played on traditional instruments’ (Shedden 2008) to the cynical ‘a catchall that commonly refers to non-Western music of any and all sorts, popular music, traditional music and even classical music. It's a marketing as well as a pseudomusical term’ (Byrne 1999).

Global cultural flows involve transnationalisation and deterritorialisation, and World Music is a chief example of this is: music from one or more traditional cultures is produced (not necessarily in country of origin) and disseminated throughout the world, far away from its original context and geo-location, and often in hybrid forms and mashups (Connell and Gibson 2004, p342).  Klein acknowledges American ‘popular interest in many forms of Asian culture’ and her definition of Hollywoodisation, albeit based on the motion picture industry, can be extrapolated to the music industry: the knitting ‘together through the transnationalisation of audiences, labour pools, distribution networks and production capital’ as well as ‘material and stylistic integration’ (Klein 2004, p362).

What seems to be common in any analysis of World Music is that it is the presentation of non-Western music for Western audience consumption and, for all the fear of hybridity and cultural remix, the sheer variety and cultural difference in world music is evidence of individual cultural and racial authenticity (Gilroy cited in Hutnyk 1998, p401), although the whole notion of authentic in relation to cultural products is always up for grabs. Is there any such pure, unadulterated culture anywhere in the world today? The trappings of World Music presentation – ‘foreign performers in native dress’ – keeps the ‘myth of authenticity’ alive for Western audience (Byrne 1999).

WOMAD (World of Music, Arts and Dance) is an internationally established festival and foundation which brings together artists from all over the globe (  It was founded in 1982 by UK artist Peter Gabriel who in 1989 also set up a recording label, Real World Records, with the aim ‘to provide talented artists from around the world with access to state-of-the-art recording facilities and audiences beyond their geographic region’ (

Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan

One of WOMAD’s most successful contributions to the world music stage has been the late Pakistani Qawwali performer, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan (1948-1997). Tim Robbins’ 1996 film Dead Man Walking introduced me to the music and soaring vocals of this superlative Qawwali exponent who achieved international prominence in the 1980s and ‘90s through his collaborations with Western musicians, including Peter Gabriel and Eddie Vedder. 

Qawwali is sacred Muslim devotional music ‘derived from ancient Sufi religious poets, with accompaniment by harmonium, tabla drums and backup singers’ (Bessman 2001, p22).  Khan’s rise on the global stage was assisted by performances at WOMAD festivals in the 1980s but notably it was his contributions to the Hollywood films Dead Man Walking, The Last Temptation of Jesus Christ, and Natural Born Killers that secured his place in the global cultural sphere (Jacoviello 2011, p324; Hajari 1996, p55; Hagedorn 2006, p492). 

Locally in South Asia, Khan’s identity was as a religious musician rather than ‘Qawwali star’ but his participation in the World Music arena drew secular audiences that gradually endowed him with the Hollywood concept of ‘stardom’ (Qureshi 1999, p91). Khan was an innovator amongst Qawwals (Qawwali singers), where songs can last up to 30 minutes and concerts (or Qawwali parties) can last for hours, shortening his songs and changing the rhythmic cycle to a more western sound (Jacoviello 2011, p324). There is some argument that the Westernisation of Khan’s music was a desecration and
Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan & Jeff Buckley
profanation of religious traditions, as it was broken down and reconstructed for Western audiences (Jacoviello 2011, p325) however Qawwali gatherings are not necessarily religious in nature, more spiritual and non-Muslims may attend. 

Transnational production and distribution channels of the Western music industry such as collaboration with ‘consumer products companies and specialist marketing firms’ along with ‘aggressive retail marketing programs that include listening stations and prominent displays’ assisted the spread of Khan’s music to the wider world (Jeffery 1997).  Real World Records has since gone on to represent, records and distribute such diverse international artists such as the Afro Celt Sound System, Papa Wemba and The Blind Boys of Alabama.

The marketing of these non-Western forms of music relies heavily on the representation of them as ‘exotic’(Taylor in White p174, Hutnyk 1998, p404).  This commodification of the exotic is a trademark of the post colonial era where capitalist cultural production valorises difference; the product offered to the Western consumer is the very ‘otherness’ of the world musician (Hutnyk, 1998 p402).

It is interesting to note that it is precisely this exotic ‘otherness’ that is the attraction for Western consumers, which is ironic given that the vocals are generally incomprehensible to Western ears.  It doesn’t matter how much you adhere to the concept of music as a universal language, if you don’t understand Urdu you’re not going to understand a word in any Qawwali song (Hutnyk 1998, p403).  It is this perspective that causes the hackles to rise on the spine of US musician David Byrne.  The relegation to the ‘realm of the exotic’ plays up to cultural difference and further reasserts the ‘hegemony of Western pop culture,’ he declares (Byrne 1999).
David Byrne

Perhaps more than any other technology, music technology has fostered globalisation (Hutnyk 1998 p407). As early as 1986, Wallis and Malm identified four stages in the patterns of change when mass communication and increasing access to technology allows musicians around the globe to create hybrid forms of music ‘in the wake of cultural imperialism’.  The stages are indicative of the processes of globalisation as a whole:

*    cultural exchange;
*    cultural dominance;
*    cultural imperialism;
*    growth of transnational corporations involved in transculturation (Wallis and Malm 1986, p376).

Simon Emmerson of successful UK world music group, Afro Celt Sound System, is not a fan of globalisation and he sees WOMAD as an ‘antidote to globalisation’.  He sees globalisation as ‘destroying indigenous cultures and indigenous peoples. [It’s] destroying the detail in people's cultures’ (cited in Hart 2001). 

Afro Celt Sound System
But globalisation has facilitated World Music, a specific site of cultural production in which WOMAD attendees are complicit as they consume the cultural difference on offer (Hutnyk 1998, p402) and since its inception has become a cultural phenomenon with more than 120 WOMAD festivals have taken place in 21 countries and the annual Australian version, WOMADELAIDE, takes place each year in Adelaide (Shedden 2008).

Timothy D Taylor claims that World Music occupies a ‘noticeable niche’ in the growing sample libraries, which are essentially ‘digitized bits of…various kinds of music that can be pasted into compositions being created on a computer’ and in this way World Music is insinuating itself into ‘more mainstream kinds of pop and rock music’including ‘soundtracks for film, television and advertising’ (cited in White 2012 p173). 

Talvin Singh
This sampling has allowed remixing and reshaping of Khan’s vocals (along with a host of other Asian musicians) to be heard by new audiences on dance floors in inner city nightclubs all over the world, and other hybrid forms of Asian music such as banghra are embraced well outside of their original locales.  Ibiza’s CafĂ© Del Mar’s hugely popular chill out albums have moved from World Music bins of music stores to more mainstream categories such as Electronica and Dance Music by as artists such as ‘1990s Asian underground’ artists Nitin Sawhney and Talvin Singh (

Byrne’s disdain is for the term World Music because he sees it as belittling and ghettoising what is, in fact, the peoples creating the majority (99 per cent) of the music produced today (Byrne 1999).  Yet it is the consumption by the West, and its attendant persistent hankering for the exotic, that keeps World Music from being truly global; so long as it remains under the spell of Western hegemony, World Music will continue to be seen as other and not mainstream. 


Bessman, Jim 2001, “Qawwali Vocalist Khan’s American/Legacy Debut Continues Uncle’s Tradition”, Billboard, 17 March 2001, Vol 113,
Issue 11
21ecd96ea761%40sessionmgr4&vid=2&hid=7&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=bth&AN=4182572 viewed
20 September 2013

Buckley, J 1997, “Nusrat”,

Byrne, David 1999, 'I Hate World Music', 3 October 1999, The New York Times viewed 9 October 2013

Connell, J and Gibson, C 2004, “World Music: deterritorializing place and identity”, Progress in Human Geography, June 2004, Vol 28,
Issue 3, p342-361

Jacoviello, Stefano 2011, “Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan: the strange destiny of a singing mystic. When music travels…”, Semiotica, Vol March
2011, Issue 183, p319-341
viewed 20 September 2013

Jeffrey D 1997, ‘If you play it, they will buy’, Billboard, 00062510, 06/28/97, Vol. 109, Issue 26
62099 viewed 20 September 2013

Hagedorn, K 2006, “ ‘From the one song alone, I consider him to be a Holy Man’ Ecstatic Religion, Musical Affect and the Global
Consumer”, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Dec 2006, Vol. 45 Issue 4, p489-496. 8p.
viewed 21 September 2013

Hajari, Nisid 1996, ‘Courtship of Eddie’s Fateh’, Entertainment Weekly, 12 January 1996, Issue 309, p.55
viewed 21 September 2013

Hart, Jonathon 2001, “It's not just the music,” Herald Sun (Melbourne), 10 February, 2001
viewed 7 October 2013

Qureshi, R B 1999, “His Master’s Voice: exploring Qawwali and ‘Gramophone Culture in South Asia,” Popular Music, Vol 18, January
1999, p63-98 viewed 22 September 2013

Real World Records

Shedden, Iain 2008, ‘With the world at their feed’, The Australian, 3 August 2008
site=eds-live viewed 7 October 2013

Wallis R and Malm K, 1986, ‘Culture and The International Recording Industry’, Critical Studies in Mass Communication, Vol 3 Issue 3,
September 1, 1986, p375-378
71aab123ddd5@sessionmgr4&hid=17 viewed 10 October 2013

White, B W 2012, Music and Globalisation: Critical Encounters, Indiana University Press

World Music Central viewed 9 October 2013

Monday, September 23, 2013

Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan - the voice of velvet fire

Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder and Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan,  "The Long Road"  from the film Dead Man Walking

Listening? Read on...


"Part Buddha, part demon, 
part mad angel...his voice is velvet fire, simply incomparable"
 Jeff Buckley, 1997

Global cultural flows involve transnationalisation and deterritorialisation, and a chief example of this is World Music, where music from one or more traditional cultures is produced (not necessarily in country of origin) and disseminated throughout the world, far away from its original context and geo-location, and often in hybrid forms and mashups (Connell and Gibson 2004, p342).  Klein acknowledges American ‘popular interest in many forms of Asian culture’ and her definition of Hollywoodisation, albeit based on the motion picture industry, can be extrapolated to the music industry: the knitting “together through the transnationalisation of audiences, labour pools, distribution networks and production capital” as well as “material and stylistic integration” (Klein 2004, p362).

Image source
Tim Robbins’ 1996 film Dead Man Walking introduced me to the music of superlative Pakistani qawwali musician, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan (1948-1997), who achieved international prominence in the 1980s and ‘90s through collaborations with Western musicians, including Peter Gabriel and Eddie Vedder.  Qawwalli is sacred Muslim devotional music “derived from ancient Sufi religious poets, with accompaniment by harmonium, tabla drums and backup singers” (Bessman 2001, p22).

Khan’s rise on the global stage was assisted by performances at WOMAD festivals in the 1980s but notably it was his contributions to the Hollywood films Dead Man Walking, The Last Temptation of Jesus Christ, and Natural Born Killers that secured his place in the global cultural sphere (Jacoviello 2011, p324; Hajari 1996, p55; Hagedorn 2006, p492).

Image source
Locally in South Asia, Khan’s identity was as a religious musician rather than “qawwali star” but his participation in the World Music arena drew secular audiences that gradually endowed him with the Hollywood concept of “stardom” (Qureshi 1999, p91). Khan was an innovator amongst qawwals (qawwali singers), where songs can last up to 30 minutes and concerts (or qawwali parties) can last for hours, shortening his songs and changing the rhythmic cycle to a more western sound (Jacoviello 2011, p324).

Transnational production and distribution channels of the Western music industry such as collaboration with “consumer products companies and specialist marketing firms” along with “aggressive retail marketing programs that include listening stations and prominent displays” assisted the spread of Khan’s music to the wider world (Jeffery 1997).

While not entirely Hollywoodised (he remained a true qawwal singing the poetry of the Sufi saints in Urdu), I would claim that Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan’s fame was commensurate with the notion of “star”. 

Bessman, Jim 2001, “Qawwali Vocalist Khan’s American/Legacy Debut Continues Uncle’s Tradition”, Billboard, 17 March 2001, Vol 113, Issue 11 viewed 20 September 2013

Buckley, J 1997, “Nusrat”,

Connell, J and Gibson, C 2004, “World Music: deterritorializing place and identity”, Progress in Human Geography, June 2004, Vol 28, Issue 3, p342-361

Jacoviello, Stefano 2011, “Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan: the strange destiny of a singing mystic. When music travels…”, Semiotica, Vol March 2011, Issue 183, p319-341 viewed 20 September 2013

Jeffrey D 1997, ‘If you play it, they will buy’, Billboard, 00062510, 06/28/97, Vol. 109, Issue 26

Hagedorn, K 2006, “ ‘From the one song alone, I consider him to be a Holy Man’ Ecstatic Religion, Musical Affect and the Global Consumer”, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Dec 2006, Vol. 45 Issue 4, p489-496. 8p.
viewed 21 September 2013

Hajari, Nisid 1996, Courtship of Eddie’s Fateh, Entertainment Weekly, 12 January 1996, Issue 309, p.55
viewed 21 September 2013

Qureshi, R B 1999, “His Master’s Voice: exploring Qawwali and ‘Gramophone Culture in South Asia”, Popular Music, Vol 18, January 1999, p63-98 viewed 22 September 2013

Friday, September 13, 2013

Specular economy - existential nightmare

Hell is other people (Sartre, 1944)

In discussion of the specular economy, Marshall’s (2010, p498) assertion that we are collectively ‘becoming more conscious of how we present ourselves and how others perceive us’ shot me right back to high school where I first encountered Jean Paul Sartre and existentialism in year 12 French.  Very basically (because this is a huge and complex topic way beyond me), existentialism is a philosophy of consciousness and being, and one of the main elements concerns the role of others in our own existence, whereby our existence is determined by the way that we are perceived by others.

Sound familiar?
Image source

And here we all are, carefully crafting and presenting our mediatised selves to the world on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Instagram, Wordpress and Blogger etc.  Why do we do it?  To satisfy our desire to participate, create our own identities, socialise and network with each other (Croteau, Hoynes & Milan 2012, p319).  We now have the technology to achieve self representation, not someone else’s idea of ourselves. Marshall points out that this is now 'an incredibly complex PRESENTATION of the self through screens of social media via the Internet and mobile communication" (Marshall 2010 p499).

Image source

I would consider myself a ‘lite’ social media user.  I use Facebook and Twitter, but I also have two blogs, and in each I am trying to construct a different ‘me’.  One blog is for ‘arty me’ and I am very aware of and frequently manipulate my presentation: changing backgrounds and images in an effort to communicate the essence of my aesthetic.  It’s like a conversation, the more I tweak with the mediated presentation, the more I crystallise the essence of my taste and can ‘imagine a better version’ of myself (Marshall 2010 p499).  I’ve had my ‘frisson of fame’ (Marshall 2010, p499): validation in the form of ‘likes’ and comments from strangers who share similar interests.

In this blog I am constructing my studious persona, and I have tied myself in knots reading widely and getting myself more and more bamboozled about how much I don’t know. 

Image source
Facebook is where I stay connected (and reconnect) with family and friends, that is people I know in real life, but it is also where I do my share of star stalking and my presence there is also highly mediated. 

However, issues of a private and intimate nature generally do not make it on to my Facebook page, or any of my blogs.  They stay in the real realm of the private – between me and the real people with whom I choose to share.


Croteau, D, Hoynes, W & Milan, S 2012, Media/Society: Industries, Images and Audiences, 4th edn., Sage Publications Inc., Los Angeles

Marshall, P D 2010, ‘The Specular Economy’, Society Nov 2010, Vol. 47 Issue 6, p498-502

Sartre, J-P 1947, No Exit (Huis Clos) a pay in one act, & The Flies (Les Mouches) a play in three acts, A. A. Knopf, New York

Saturday, September 7, 2013

I'm sorry, we have to get engaged before we can participate

Image source:

Joost Raessens (2005) makes a good case for digital gaming culture as THE participatory media culture, when viewed through three areas of participation: interpretation, reconfiguration and construction; and further, that it is four specific characteristics of this digital medium – multimediality, virtuality, interactivity and connectivity – that set it apart, but I don’t think it applies to all forms of media.

Take for instance, illustrated journalism digital magazine Symbolia, which provides an example of prosumption: it offers readers interaction and ‘tactile manipulation’ of stories (Polgren 2013).  Supporters can contribute story ideas, and provide financial support as well as receive, read and share the product.  Raessens’ definition of participatory culture relies on participating in culture in this ‘active and productive way’ (2005).

Image source
Increasingly, varying forms of digital media are resisting the notion of passive audience and creating ‘opportunities for individuals to create, distribute and read multi modal texts with ease and enthusiasm’ (Williams & Zenger 2012 p1).  

But there is still no access for participants to directly alter or modify the constructs of other forms of media as game hackers can. 

In an interview with Richard Adie on ABC Radio National’s The Media Report, Erin Polgreen, co-founder and publisher of Symbolia, sees illustrated or cartoon journalism as “an opportunity to bridge borders and connect people in ways that don’t really happen in long form prose journalism.”  Authentic interaction with the community is the key to audience engagement (Polgreen 2013), and interactivity offers audiences the ability to contribute and create experiences that are memorable and meaningful (Figueiredo 2011 p92).  Comics allow readers to really immerse themselves in a story (Polgreen 2013) and ‘by becoming a contributor and/or creator of the world…the audience begins to become active members of the community of knowledge' (Figueiredo 2011 p92).


Scott McCloud (1994 cited in Figueiredo 2011) remarks that “when you look at a photo or realistic drawing of a face, you see it as the face of another, but when you enter the world of the cartoon you see yourself”.  Media helps us work out our identities and where we fit in the world.  It “provides us a window back into our world.” (McCloud 2005)


Figueiredo, S 2011, ‘Building Worlds for an Interactive Experience: Selecting, Organising, and Showing Worlds of Information Through Comics’, Journal of Visual Literacy, Spring 2011, Vol 30, Issue 1, p86-100

McCloud, S 2005, Scott McCloud: The visual magic of comics,,

Raessens, J and Goldstein J (eds) 2005, Handbook of Computer Game Studies, MIT Press, Cambridge Mass. USA

Williams, B and Zenger, A (eds) 2012, New Media Literacies and Participatory Popular Culture Across Borders, Routledge, New York

Polgreen, E 2013, ‘Erin Polgreen on illustrated journalism and engaging readers’, The Media Report, ABC Radio National, Thursday 5th September 2013

Friday, August 30, 2013

Blogosphere: fifth estate or new public sphere?

If the public sphere is the space between the state and society (Castells 2008 p78) where the ‘public’s open ended, critical argumentation and debate’ leads to consensus (Benson 2009 p176), what then shall we call the blogosphere, that ‘global public sphere built around the media communication system and Internet networks’ (Castells 2008 p90)?  As globalisation expands, the emergence of an international public sphere, a networked place where issues of global importance not just national sovereignty can be debated, is crucial (Castells 2008 p80). 

Image source:

An examination of the Australian political blogosphere, a ‘networked public sphere,’ acknowledged the importance of looking at ‘everyday and popular communication’ (Bruns et al 2011, p278).  The concept of network is integral to both the public sphere and the blogosphere: a ‘network for communicating information and points of view’ (Habermas in Castells 2010 p78).

Commercialisation of the press led to transformation of the public sphere from an independent forum for critical debate to a ‘platform for advertising’ (Habermas cited in Benson 2009).  As the traditional commercial media, such as newspapers, struggle to survive, the claim of objectivity in commercial journalism is questioned as corporate journalists inexorably fall prey to Herman and Chomsky’s propaganda model and ‘self censor in order to protect and advance their economic position’ (Steel 2012 p163).

The Myth of the Liberal Media, with Noam Chomsky

In civil society, the role of journalism is that of the Fourth Estate, a ‘watchdog’ over the state, the church and the people, but existing outside it, ensuring freedom of the press to facilitate democracy (Steel 2013, p36).  

The blogosphere now includes social media as well as “traditional” blogs.  The purpose of blogosphere is ‘to monitor the media, in much the same way that the media are believed to perform the role of watching the first three estates’ and some see it as superior to mainstream media (Jericho 2012, p1).
Image source:

Ever-increasing concentration of media ownership sees inevitable reduction in diversity of commentary and opinion (Steel 2012, p5).   So to find our diversity in opinion, the unfiltered analysis, we increasingly look to blogs such as The Conversation, and Twitter feeds from respected journalists such as Michelle Grattan, Chris Uhlmann and Annabel Crabb (Jericho 2012, p297), although those with a media baron breathing down their necks would be inevitably self censoring.

When eminent political journalists such as Michelle Grattan leave the traditional commercial media (The Age newspaper) for the halls of academia and online journalism, it can only enhance the legitimacy of the blogosphere's role as the new, true public sphere.

Benson, Rodney 2009, ‘Shaping the Public Sphere: Habermas and Beyond’, The American Sociologist, Vol. 40, No. 3, Springer. retrieved 28/8/2013

Bruns Axel, Burgess Jean, Highfield Tim, Kirchhoff Lars and Nicolai Thomas 2011, ‘Mapping the Australian Networked Public Sphere’, Social Science Computer Review, August 2011, Vol 29, no 3, 277-287

Castells, Manuel 2008, “The New Public Sphere: Global Civil Society, Communication Networks, and Global Governance’, The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 616:78, March 2008  retrieved 28/8/2013

Jericho, Greg 2012, The Rise of the Fifth Estate: social media and blogging in Australian politics, Scribe Publications, Brunswick Vic, Australia. retrieved 28/8/2013

Steel, John 2012, Journalism and Free Speech, Taylor and Francis, NY  retrieved 1 September 2013

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Dolphin View Apartment in the Reputation Economy

(Image: author's own)

Iris and Helly, my in-laws, have a surprisingly thriving holiday rental apartment beneath their beachside home in their quiet retirement town of Ulladulla, NSW.  They're booked out weeks, sometimes months in advance. In fact, if we stay there at Christmas, even before we leave Iris and Helly want to know what our plans are for the following Christmas as they need to know whether they can offer their flat to paying guests.  They are listed on Air BnB, Stayz and other sites, and their reputation capital is high. 

Web 2.0 technologies have benefitted them enormously as happy customers write positive reviews online.  Visitors’ online feedback is important and changes are made in line with suggestions given.  Prosumption consists of interrelated processes or a continuum, as George Ritzer (2013) explains and his notion of co-creation is at work on the Dolphin View apartment.


Ritzer & Jurgenson (2010, p22) argue that the increase in digital prosumption is changing the nature of capitalism.  Traditional Marxist capitalism relies on the market economy to facilitate the exchange of goods and services for money, with profit (surplus value) being the goal.  Different types of economies now function that exchange intangibles: the reputation economy, the ideas economy or the economy of the mind (Barlow, cited in Doctorow, 2010).

Schwabel (2011) explains it well: “the reputation economy is an environment where brands are built based on how they are perceived online and the promise they deliver offline”.

The intangibles in the online world affect the real world and perception is the keyword here.  Social media is increasingly influential in shaping reputations (Finkle, 2013) and can make or break a reputation – business or individual.  Dolphin View’s online presence is not sophisticated or professionally managed; however its offline reality surpasses expectations, and thus their reputation grows.

(Image: author's own)

The notion of reputation value in a business transaction is not really a new one; ‘good will’ has long been considered part of the stock in trade of the commercial market. The ascent of the Internet is accompanied by a growing awareness of the importance of managing your online reputation, both in the business and personal spheres.  

Doctorow, C 2008 Content, Tachyon Publications, San Francisco, USA accessed 5 August 2013

Finkle, Jim 2013, ‘Virus targets social networks in new fraud twist’, The Age, 19 August 2013

Ritzer, G 2013, ‘Prosumption: Evolution, Revolution or Eternal Return of the Same’, video recording, Bowdoin College, Maine USA, 11 April 2013, retrieved 31 July 2013

Ritzer, G and Jurgenson, N 2010, ‘Production, Consumption, Prosumption: The nature of capitalism in the age of the digital ‘prosumer’’, Journal of Consumer Culture, Vol 10(1), 13-16, 2010

Schwabel, Dan, 2011, ‘The Reputation Economy is Coming – Are You Prepared?’, 28 February 2011,